
Rich has a Tree class which can generate a tree view in the terminal. A tree view is a great way of presenting the contents of a filesystem or any other hierarchical data. Each branch of the tree can have a label which may be text or any other Rich renderable.

Run the following command to see a demonstration of a Rich tree:

python -m rich.tree

The following code creates and prints a tree with a simple text label:

from rich.tree import Tree
from rich import print

tree = Tree("Rich Tree")

With only a single Tree instance this will output nothing more than the text “Rich Tree”. Things get more interesting when we call add() to add more branches to the Tree. The following code adds two more branches:


The tree will now have two branches connected to the original tree with guide lines.

When you call add() a new Tree instance is returned. You can use this instance to add more branches to, and build up a more complex tree. Let’s add a few more levels to the tree:

baz_tree = tree.add("baz")

Tree Styles

The Tree constructor and add() method allows you to specify a style argument which sets a style for the entire branch, and guide_style which sets the style for the guide lines. These styles are inherited by the branches and will apply to any sub-trees as well.

If you set guide_style to bold, Rich will select the thicker variations of unicode line characters. Similarly, if you select the “underline2” style you will get double line style of unicode characters.


For a more practical demonstration, see which can generate a tree view of a directory in your hard drive.