
To draw a border around text or other renderable, construct a Panel with the renderable as the first positional argument. Here’s an example:

from rich import print
from rich.panel import Panel
print(Panel("Hello, [red]World!"))

You can change the style of the panel by setting the box argument to the Panel constructor. See Box for a list of available box styles.

Panels will extend to the full width of the terminal. You can make panel fit the content by setting expand=False on the constructor, or by creating the Panel with fit(). For example:

from rich import print
from rich.panel import Panel
print("Hello, [red]World!"))

The Panel constructor accepts a title argument which will draw a title on the top of the panel, as well as a subtitle argument which will draw a subtitle on the bottom of the panel:

from rich import print
from rich.panel import Panel
print(Panel("Hello, [red]World!", title="Welcome", subtitle="Thank you"))

See Panel for details how to customize Panels.