Source code for rich.tree

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

from ._loop import loop_first, loop_last
from .console import Console, ConsoleOptions, RenderableType, RenderResult
from .jupyter import JupyterMixin
from .measure import Measurement
from .segment import Segment
from .style import Style, StyleStack, StyleType
from .styled import Styled

[docs]class Tree(JupyterMixin): """A renderable for a tree structure. Args: label (RenderableType): The renderable or str for the tree label. style (StyleType, optional): Style of this tree. Defaults to "tree". guide_style (StyleType, optional): Style of the guide lines. Defaults to "tree.line". expanded (bool, optional): Also display children. Defaults to True. highlight (bool, optional): Highlight renderable (if str). Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, label: RenderableType, *, style: StyleType = "tree", guide_style: StyleType = "tree.line", expanded: bool = True, highlight: bool = False, hide_root: bool = False, ) -> None: self.label = label = style self.guide_style = guide_style self.children: List[Tree] = [] self.expanded = expanded self.highlight = highlight self.hide_root = hide_root
[docs] def add( self, label: RenderableType, *, style: Optional[StyleType] = None, guide_style: Optional[StyleType] = None, expanded: bool = True, highlight: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> "Tree": """Add a child tree. Args: label (RenderableType): The renderable or str for the tree label. style (StyleType, optional): Style of this tree. Defaults to "tree". guide_style (StyleType, optional): Style of the guide lines. Defaults to "tree.line". expanded (bool, optional): Also display children. Defaults to True. highlight (Optional[bool], optional): Highlight renderable (if str). Defaults to False. Returns: Tree: A new child Tree, which may be further modified. """ node = Tree( label, if style is None else style, guide_style=self.guide_style if guide_style is None else guide_style, expanded=expanded, highlight=self.highlight if highlight is None else highlight, ) self.children.append(node) return node
def __rich_console__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "RenderResult": stack: List[Iterator[Tuple[bool, Tree]]] = [] pop = stack.pop push = stack.append new_line = Segment.line() get_style = console.get_style null_style = Style.null() guide_style = get_style(self.guide_style, default="") or null_style SPACE, CONTINUE, FORK, END = range(4) ASCII_GUIDES = (" ", "| ", "+-- ", "`-- ") TREE_GUIDES = [ (" ", "│ ", "├── ", "└── "), (" ", "┃ ", "┣━━ ", "┗━━ "), (" ", "║ ", "╠══ ", "╚══ "), ] _Segment = Segment def make_guide(index: int, style: Style) -> Segment: """Make a Segment for a level of the guide lines.""" if options.ascii_only: line = ASCII_GUIDES[index] else: guide = 1 if style.bold else (2 if style.underline2 else 0) line = TREE_GUIDES[0 if options.legacy_windows else guide][index] return _Segment(line, style) levels: List[Segment] = [make_guide(CONTINUE, guide_style)] push(iter(loop_last([self]))) guide_style_stack = StyleStack(get_style(self.guide_style)) style_stack = StyleStack(get_style( remove_guide_styles = Style(bold=False, underline2=False) depth = 0 while stack: stack_node = pop() try: last, node = next(stack_node) except StopIteration: levels.pop() if levels: guide_style = levels[-1].style or null_style levels[-1] = make_guide(FORK, guide_style) guide_style_stack.pop() style_stack.pop() continue push(stack_node) if last: levels[-1] = make_guide(END, levels[-1].style or null_style) guide_style = guide_style_stack.current + get_style(node.guide_style) style = style_stack.current + get_style( prefix = levels[(2 if self.hide_root else 1) :] renderable_lines = console.render_lines( Styled(node.label, style), options.update( width=options.max_width - sum(level.cell_length for level in prefix), highlight=self.highlight, height=None, ), pad=options.justify is not None, ) if not (depth == 0 and self.hide_root): for first, line in loop_first(renderable_lines): if prefix: yield from _Segment.apply_style( prefix, style.background_style, post_style=remove_guide_styles, ) yield from line yield new_line if first and prefix: prefix[-1] = make_guide( SPACE if last else CONTINUE, prefix[-1].style or null_style ) if node.expanded and node.children: levels[-1] = make_guide( SPACE if last else CONTINUE, levels[-1].style or null_style ) levels.append( make_guide(END if len(node.children) == 1 else FORK, guide_style) ) style_stack.push(get_style( guide_style_stack.push(get_style(node.guide_style)) push(iter(loop_last(node.children))) depth += 1 def __rich_measure__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "Measurement": stack: List[Iterator[Tree]] = [iter([self])] pop = stack.pop push = stack.append minimum = 0 maximum = 0 measure = Measurement.get level = 0 while stack: iter_tree = pop() try: tree = next(iter_tree) except StopIteration: level -= 1 continue push(iter_tree) min_measure, max_measure = measure(console, options, tree.label) indent = level * 4 minimum = max(min_measure + indent, minimum) maximum = max(max_measure + indent, maximum) if tree.expanded and tree.children: push(iter(tree.children)) level += 1 return Measurement(minimum, maximum)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from rich.console import Group from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.panel import Panel from rich.syntax import Syntax from rich.table import Table table = Table(row_styles=["", "dim"]) table.add_column("Released", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Title", style="magenta") table.add_column("Box Office", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row("Dec 20, 2019", "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", "$952,110,690") table.add_row("May 25, 2018", "Solo: A Star Wars Story", "$393,151,347") table.add_row("Dec 15, 2017", "Star Wars Ep. V111: The Last Jedi", "$1,332,539,889") table.add_row("Dec 16, 2016", "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story", "$1,332,439,889") code = """\ class Segment(NamedTuple): text: str = "" style: Optional[Style] = None is_control: bool = False """ syntax = Syntax(code, "python", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True) markdown = Markdown( """\ ### > Hello, World! > > Markdown _all_ the things """ ) root = Tree("🌲 [b green]Rich Tree", highlight=True, hide_root=True) node = root.add(":file_folder: Renderables", guide_style="red") simple_node = node.add(":file_folder: [bold yellow]Atomic", guide_style="uu green") simple_node.add(Group("📄 Syntax", syntax)) simple_node.add(Group("📄 Markdown", Panel(markdown, border_style="green"))) containers_node = node.add( ":file_folder: [bold magenta]Containers", guide_style="bold magenta" ) containers_node.expanded = True panel ="Just a panel", border_style="red") containers_node.add(Group("📄 Panels", panel)) containers_node.add(Group("📄 [b magenta]Table", table)) console = Console() console.print(root)